Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Tabata Boot Camp: What are you Waiting for?

Motivate Personal Fitness Academy officially has one TabataBoot Camp on the books, and a second is about to begin on June 7. So I’m devoting this blog to helping people understand exactly what to expect—and here’s why: After an explanation that Tabata is a high-intensity intervaltraining (HIIT), the two questions I have been asked the most are “How much will I lose?” and “How hard is it?” In other words, people need to know what they have to gain (or in his case, lose!) before they commit time, energy and money to something new. 

What those two questions I keep getting about Tabata Boot Camp tell me, as a trainer, is this: 1) People want to lose weight and get fit, which means they want to look and feel better; 2) People need some level of assurance that they will see serious results. Let’s face it: Everyone knows that if the word “boot camp” is in the title of an exercise plan, they are going to work hard. But what will the results be of that hard work?

The truth is, everyone sees different results, but those who complete the program, and who follow a sensible (not crazy….just smart) eating plan that includes reducing your intake of simple carbs (bread, pasta, sugar, etc.), and increasing your intake of lean protein (chicken, fish and turkey) and complex carbs, are going to see results that will likely surpass anything they have done on their own. 

So here’s what you can expect from Tabata Boot Camp:

After four weeks: Subtle results that YOU will see in the mirror, and slightly looser clothing. Consistently, the four-week-mark comment I get from bootcamp attendees (or anyone following a three-day per week personal training program) is something along the lines of, “My clothes aren’t as tight.”

After eight weeks: More substantial results that YOU see, in addition to feel: sleep is more sound, energy levels are higher and motivation is surging after continuing to lose weight gain strength.

After three MONTHS: Results that OTHER PEOPLE notice: This is where the comments start coming, like “You look great! What are you doing?” After just 12 weeks on a comprehensive workout plan like Tabata, combined with healthy eating, people not only notice, they want to find out what your secret is.

FACT: At the beginning of our Tabata Boot Camp program, our participants spend about 25 minutes of work out time, plus about an equal amount of rest time, spread out over the course of an hour. But just six weeks later, we are hard for, straight through, for 50 minutes, with just a quick sip of water once in awhile. And there is no complaining.

The results of HIIT are widely known. Give me call or drop me a line and let’s talk about it what it can do for you.